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Chukar Partridge – Facts About the National Bird of Pakistan 2024

National Bird of Pakistan

Facts About the National Bird of Pakistan

As fervent admirers of Pakistan’s diverse wildlife, we take immense pride in illuminating one of the most captivating creatures that grace the country’s landscapes – the Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar), a bird of exceptional significance as Pakistan’s national bird. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of the Chukar, exploring its habitat, physical characteristics, behavior, and cultural importance as the emblematic avian representative of the nation.

Discovering the Chukar Partridge – Pakistan’s Beloved National Bird

The Chukar Partridge, popularly known as the Chukar, holds a special place in the hearts of Pakistanis as their national bird. A member of the Phasianidae family, this medium-sized bird has its origins in South Asia and has earned admiration not only for its striking appearance but also for its adaptability and endurance in various terrains.

Physical Features and Identification

Easily identifiable in the wild, the Chukar Partridge boasts distinctive plumage, showcasing a harmonious blend of colors. Its grayish-brown body is adorned with intricate black bars, complemented by a contrasting white belly. The striking red beak and legs add a vibrant touch to its overall allure.

Size and Shape: Sporting a sturdy and agile physique, the Chukar measures between 32 to 35 centimeters (12.6 to 13.8 inches) in length, with a wingspan of approximately 54 to 64 centimeters (21.3 to 25.2 inches).

Habitat and Range: The Chukar thrives in diverse habitats, with a particular affinity for rocky terrains, grasslands, and foothills at elevations of up to 4,500 meters (14,800 feet). Its range encompasses several countries, including Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia.

National bird of pakistan

Behavior and Social Structure

As social beings, Chukar Partridges form tight-knit coveys, typically consisting of 10 to 20 individuals. They communicate through a series of melodious calls and distinctive clucks, establishing territories and attracting potential mates.

Feeding Habits: Chukars sustain themselves on a varied diet, including seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetation. Their adept foraging skills, coupled with their ability to endure harsh environmental conditions, contribute to their remarkable survival in diverse landscapes.

Reproduction: During the breeding season, which usually spans from spring to early summer, Chukars engage in elaborate courtship rituals. Females skillfully conceal a clutch of 10 to 20 eggs in shallow depressions lined with twigs and leaves.

Cultural Significance and Conservation Status

The Chukar Partridge occupies a position of immense cultural importance in Pakistan, honored as the nation’s symbol. As the national bird, it embodies qualities of resilience and adaptability, reflecting the spirit of the country itself. However, despite its cultural significance, the Chukar faces various challenges in the wild, including habitat loss and hunting. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of conscientious stewards of nature to implement effective conservation strategies, safeguarding this iconic avian species for future generations.


In conclusion, the Chukar Partridge stands as a majestic representative of Pakistan’s rich wildlife heritage, embraced as the nation’s beloved national bird. Its captivating appearance, resolute nature, and enchanting calls render it a cherished presence across the diverse landscapes of Pakistan. Recognizing and appreciating the significance of this avian symbol enables us to ensure its survival and conservation. As ardent wildlife enthusiasts, we are privileged to celebrate and protect the extraordinary wonders of nature, with the Chukar Partridge serving as a true embodiment of this commitment.


Searches: National bird of Pakistan, Pakistan National Bird, National bird, Pakistani bird, Chukar, Chakor bird,

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