
Parrots Prices in Pakistan 2024 – Parrot for Sale

parrots prices in pakistan

Parrots Prices in Pakistan

Welcome to our wide pricing guide for parrots prices in Pakistan. In this article, we aim to provide you with detailed information about the pricing of various parrot species commonly available in the country. Whether you’re a parrot enthusiast, a potential buyer, or simply curious about parrot prices, this guide will help you navigate the avian market in Pakistan with confidence. We’ll cover a range of parrot species, their characteristics, and factors that influence their prices. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Parrots Prices

Parrot prices can vary significantly based on several factors, including the species, age, color mutations, availability, demand, and the reputation of the breeder or pet store. It’s important to note that the prices mentioned here are approximate ranges and can vary over time. Let’s explore some popular parrot species and their indicative pricing in Pakistan.

African Grey Parrot Price in Pakistan

Grey parrot price in pakistan

The African Grey Parrot (scientifically known as Psittacus erithacus) is a highly intelligent and prized species known for its exceptional talking ability. These birds are native to the rainforests of West and Central Africa. In Pakistan, African Grey Parrots are considered one of the most sought-after parrot species. The pricing for African Grey Parrots can range from approximately PKR 70,000 to PKR 300,000, depending on the age, talking ability, and overall health of the bird.

Eclectus Parrot Price in Pakistan

eclectus parrot price in pakistan

The Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus) is renowned for its stunning plumage and gentle nature. Males and females of this species exhibit strikingly different appearances, with the males displaying bright green feathers and the females adorned with vibrant red and blue plumage. In Pakistan, Eclectus Parrots are valued for their beauty and companionship. The price range for Eclectus Parrots generally starts from around PKR 80,000 and can go up to PKR 200,000, depending on factors such as age, gender, and color mutations.

Macaws Parrot Price in Pakistan

Macaw parrot price in pakistan

Macaws are majestic parrots known for their vibrant colors, large size, and playful personalities. They belong to the family of Psittacidae and are native to the rainforests of South and Central America. Macaws are highly sought after by bird enthusiasts in Pakistan, and their prices can vary widely based on species and sub-species. Here are some indicative price ranges for popular Macaw species:

  1. Blue and Gold Macaw (Ara ararauna): Prices range from approximately PKR 150,000 to PKR 400,000, depending on age, talking ability, and overall health.
  2. Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao): Prices generally start from around PKR 200,000 and can go up to PKR 500,000 or more, depending on various factors.
  3. Green-winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus): These magnificent birds can be priced between PKR 250,000 and PKR 600,000, depending on their attributes and availability.

Cockatoos Parrot Price in Pakistan

cockatoo parrot price in pakistan

Cockatoos are known for their striking crests, affectionate nature, and ability to mimic human speech. They are native to Australia, Indonesia, and the surrounding regions. Cockatoos are highly sought after in the Pakistani parrot market due to their beauty and entertaining personalities. Here are some indicative price ranges for popular Cockatoo species:

  1. Umbrella Cockatoo (Cacatua alba): Prices range from approximately PKR 100,000 to PKR 300,000, depending on age, talking ability, and overall health.
  2. Moluccan Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis): Prices generally start from around PKR 150,000 and can go up to PKR 400,000 or more, depending on various factors.
  3. Goffin’s Cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana): These charming birds can be priced between PKR 80,000 and PKR 250,000, depending on their attributes and availability.

Amazon Parrot Price in Pakistan

Amazon Parrot price in pakistan

Known for their vibrant plumage and charismatic personalities, Amazon Parrots are a favorite choice for many bird enthusiasts. In Pakistan, the prices for Amazon Parrots range from PKR 70,000 to PKR 150,000 in 2024. Factors like species, age, and feather coloration influence the final price.

Cockatiels Parrot Price in Pakistan

Cockatiels Parrot price in pakistan

Cockatiels are beloved for their charming crests, expressive personalities, and melodious whistling abilities. These small parrots are perfect for beginners and experienced bird owners alike. In Pakistan, the prices of Cockatiels in 2024 range from PKR 4500 to PKR 16,000, depending on factors such as color mutation and age.

Conures Parrot Price in Pakistan

Conures Parrot price in pakistan

Conures are vibrant and energetic parrots that bring liveliness to any household. Their playful nature and impressive vocalizations make them popular among bird enthusiasts. In Pakistan, the prices of Conures in 2024 vary from PKR 30,000 to PKR 250,000, depending on factors such as species, coloration, and age.

Other Parrot Species Price in Pakistan

Apart from the aforementioned popular parrot species, there are several other fascinating parrots available in Pakistan. Here’s a brief overview of their indicative pricing:

  1. Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri): Prices range from approximately PKR 10,000 to PKR 50,000, depending on factors such as color mutations and talking ability.
  2. Lovebirds (Agapornis species): Prices generally start from around PKR 3,000 and can go up to PKR 15,000, depending on species, color mutations, and age.
  3. Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus): These popular and affordable parakeets are usually priced between PKR 500 and PKR 15,000, depending on color mutations and age.


In conclusion, the parrot market in Pakistan offers a wide range of species to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and price points. We hope this comprehensive pricing guide has provided you with valuable insights into the approximate prices of various parrot species available in Pakistan. Remember, when purchasing a parrot, it’s crucial to ensure the bird’s health, well-being, and legal compliance. If you’re considering becoming a parrot owner, take the time to research and choose a reputable breeder or pet store. Happy parrot hunting!

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